Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hangin' out with old friends

My old friends & me...see how chubby i have become now (*#@!)
Sometimes it feels real good catchin' up with old friends that u knew way from ur student days. Kawan2 yang telah mengenali kita sejak dari zaman enjoys sampai la zaman dah mid 30's nihh..

This is me with Along & Ujie hangin out the other day at Coffee Bean, Subg Parade...biasalah kalau jumpa mesti lepak kat cafes, sembang berjam2...bukak balik citer nostalgia dulu then beralih pulak citer semasa.

Actually, memasing dok KL jer tapi payah bebenor nak jumpa...yelah Ujie tengah sarat mengusung perut 1st child (InsyaAllah a daughter due in May 09) meanwhile Along pulak usahawan nak berjaya heheh...bila sesekali jumpa macam nie, kitorang bertukar2 belated birthday presents from 2008 heheh..

Setakat nie, without fail lagilah our exchanging birthday presents routine since wayback from our graduation days. This is to ensure the friendship will keep on remaining till..who knows when. Eventhough memasing dah dgn hal memasing...kawan2 lama lain pun once in a while ada jugak jumpa, but not as frequent as among the 3 of us

So to keep the story short, i got a L'occitane body lotion in cherry blossom, ujie..2 set of tudungs & bracelet, lastly Along...a white jeans & a dinner clutch.

syamariz note:
i met up with anne & phida the other day too over coffee but without the pictures sob! sob!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha... chubby nyer aku!
Dh nmpak cam mak cik kiah wat meeting MLM jer hehe...