Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Coffee Art

In love..
Err...Hillary Clinton?? Yikes..

Wish my coffee would look like that..before it goes into my tummy! Such an eye candy isn't it? These coffee art pics are from Vancouver, perhaps from one of the cafe over there..got it from my email, if not i would have given them the credit.
Ni yang nak amik kursus jadik Barista nih..tapi kat mana ye? Memandangkan susah sangat nak join kursus tu, syamariz tengah berminat nak join Kursus Asas Membuat Coklat pulak..ada terbaca kat majalah Jelita aritu(latest one) , yuran RM550 for 2 days..tapi tarikh pulak tak mengizinkan..maybe someday i'll go..pastu buleh la syamariz jual coklat kat My Kopitiam ni kan..("it's not harmful to dream, it could even motivates you to live and reach out for something that you thought unimaginable before...." syamariz)


zuddin said...

oh my~~

it looks so wonderful

syamariz said...

It sure does..kat Malaysia ni kat mana ada eh? But anyway..it just tastes the same, cantik sangat sayang pulak nak minum kan..kan..

zuddin said...

haha.. klu camtu kacau dulu b4 minum.. kacau sambil pejam mata, then bukak mata balik dah xde dah corak tuh.. bru leh minum..:)

syamariz said...

yesss must do that...but emmmm where to find it in the 1st place??