Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nayra now @ 5 months

Aprilfool haritu Nayra dah genap 5 bulan dah....wowww how time flies, she now can :

i) Roll over (meniarap)
ii) Use her hands effectively to grab things or scratch people's face
iii) Sit in her walker without support
iv) Push the walker backwards using her legs (gostan)
v) Sucking one or two fingers in her mouth instead of the whole 'penumbuk'
vi) Sembang2 & gelak2 lebih sikit dari dulu

She now weighs 7.8 kg and drinks 5 oz of milk ( 3 oz from newborn to 1 1/2 months, 4 oz from 1 1/2 months to 3 1/2 months) and still very much stay loyal to her beloved Frisolac

Now mama's cutie pie looks like this :

"sucking her penumbuk"

"grabbing her toys & instantly goes to the mouth"

"look hands"

"playing with her little feet"
syamariz note:
I am still amazed by my daughter's quick development, babies can learn very she's playing with her feet, next thing thing u know she practices her walk already, i hope i won't miss any of it, jadinya blog ini buat sementara waktu ini banyak memfokus on little nayra cos her mama can't do anything else except "berkepit" dgn anak dara kecik nie


edrina said...

tertunggu2 jugak gambo latest nayra..akhirnya akak update jugak :-).

Kejap jer kan kak.. nayra pun dah makin tomei :-)

syamariz said...

hehe thanks ed, cepat qaireen nak dapat adik ya..hope everything goes well, mother & baby umar (insyaAllah) sihat hendaknya

ujie said...

Haha...tak lama lagi nayra jd ala2 rambo, menyelinap hampir ke seluruh pelusok. Rumah bersih jer...nayra take incharge hehe..