Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No more coffee in My Kopitiam?

You all know how much i love coffee....especially Nescafe Tarik/Ais ,White Coffee (hot or cold), Ice Mocha Latte from Coffee Bean and Ice Caramel Machiatto from Starbucks...(but not kopi hitam pekat tu)

And you all know i've been married for 3 months now..but still no signs of *uwek uwek* yet..eventhough i can't wait for that moment

Ramai yang dah tanya actually,

"dah ada apa2 ker?"
"dah berisi ke belom?"
"sihat ker?? (sambil terseyum sinis)"
"bila lag?" bla bla...

Baru 3 bulan kahwin and syamariz dah rasa tertekan sometimes dengan kata2 macam tu...and being 34 just worsen it..macam2 timbul di fikiran, boleh ke aku nie..ada ke rezeki..kalau ada bila agaknya..walaupun dah ada anak2 hubby but i think its natural for everybody kalau boleh ada anak sendiri kan..

Ok..apa kaitan coffee dengan my needs to become a mom nie? Well..i've been scolded by a few people, saying that coffee is not good for fertility, susah nak conceive la, bad for ur health la...and i just feel like crying when the idea of not having my cuppa anymore in the future..its like "nikmat hidup" di dunia ni dah kena tarik...why oh why that it must be my darling coffee...why can't it be sirap ker, bandung ker, air jagung ker, kordial ker & all the sweet stuffs...cos i don't drink that..sure takde problem punya nak elak

After some thoughts...i guess i would give it a try, so starting from yesterday i made wonders by not having a single cuppa coffee and today is the second day..god knows how sleepy & demotivated i was trying to live up the day without my daily dose. I substituted it with barley or milo. And as i was typing this, my mind still craves for my 3in1 old town white coffee...it is "derita sengsara" i tell u..i think all coffee addicts would understand me..

With the sacrification that i make, let's just hope there's good news awaiting...bersama dengan usaha, doa & tawakal.

syamariz note: do u think i should go for "berurut session"? I still think its a bit too early..and the thought of sakit just made me wanna postpone it for a while..


edrina said...

akak baru lagiks.. 3 bulan baru.. jgn lah risau2 yer kak :-). Tapi betul tu ed pun ada baca pasal coffee tu.

syamariz said...

hi ed, thx 4 dropping by..i try not to worry, kalo stress lg susah kan..bout the coffee thing, will try my very best, wish me luck takut kantoi hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Ketagih kopi cam ketagih rokok ler... hati kena kuat. If we want something must sacrife something.. cam teori kos melepas.
Aku faham apa yg ko rsa sbb aku rsa benda yg sma gk. Ko kena usaha lebih.. make sure fit dr segi mental & fizikal. Jgn sampai stress...!! I alwiz wish we can share our pregnancy experience together.... amin!

syamariz said...

at least its easier 4u kan jie..cos ko kan tak minum kopi hehe, but then mende lain pun banyak dugaannya..thanks 4 ur everlasting concern **hugs**

Anonymous said...

hi sha ni fida.

sabar ye baru 3 bulan ni. so we are not having coffee anymore. sad to hear.

I hope to have my coffee with someone nice in future. probably with a 6 foot, blue-green eyed, dark haired fireman or archaeologist. wow! down to detail man.
anyway, sabar ye. Insya Allah! you'll get many cute little twiddle dees in future. Amin!

syamariz said...

Hi phida..haha how cute,my own little twiddle dees ehh..InsyaAllah..Aminnn

Yuppp..hope u'll meet the man of ur dreams as described, i terbayang Dean Cain pulakk..but he has brown eyes..bummer!!Nanti nak fly bagitau ek..

Eventhough can't have coffee, i still can have some nice choco drinks at our fav lepak place isn't it..miss lepaking wit u guys, gimme a call orait :)