Monday, September 22, 2008

Remembering a Friend in Denver

Wahhhh..apa pulak kat atas tu, mula2 bukak "blur" sekejap tengok..tengok punye tengok rupanya 'keychain' for his and hers.

This was actually given by Shahreen (my dear dear friend/opismate) before she flew to Denver, 2 days after my wedding for studying purposes lahh..(can i call u Dr. Shahreen in advance to practice my tongue aieen?? heheheh)

Keychain nie memang unik, tak tau kat mana la minah nie beli hehe..jadik syamariz dengan Mr. B takyah lagi nak berebut2 kunci umah, kalau dia amik yang gambar girl tu memang nak kena laa..(sex confusion???) har har har..

Memang terasa sunyinya bila 'makcik' nie takde kat opis, but hey..that's life, nothing physical will stay by urside forever anyway, but the thoughts are always there..i hope! So shahreen...when u r reading this, thanks again for being my friend..whenever i look at the keychain, will definitely think of ur sarcastic jokes, contagious laughter & memorable quotes..oh yeahhh..not to mention, our coffeetime together at the office..bila mata dah start mengantok (the caffeine effects are wearing off as you always say)

Harap2 sihat le kat sana, hope she takes care of her sugar level and don't put on too much weight ok...errr boleh tak syamariz letak link galeri dia kat sini? boleh laa...boleh laa..hehehehe..


aieenayan said...

Aisay....Kawan.... You sudah make my eyes water lah! Sedihlah pulak I baca. Seriously, I miss you too lah! Thanks for always being a friend :-) Pasal 'link' tu, letak BLOG link cukup le... ;-)

P.S. I LOOOOVE your cat picts! I'm sure he's got a 'hensem' face :-)

syamariz said...

Ok link it is...memang dah letak pun hehe

The cat sure is a handsome young fella, menjadi pujaan kat lorong2 belakang umah i tu hehe..Take care!