Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Aiman & Arief's Birthday Party

Weekend lepas memang full dengan agenda makan2..starting with the annual dinner on friday, birthday party on saturday & kenduri kahwin on sunday..

Entry kalini sajer nak promo sikit pasal birthday party anak2 my friend, yas. Ye la..penat dia anjurkan, ke sini sana sinun mencarik props bagai untuk celebrate birthday her 2 boys which falls on the 12th (arief) & 28th (aiman) syamariz pun kasik review sikit kat kopitiam ni kan ahaks..

tarikh : 20 disember 2008 (sabtu)
masa : 3.00 pm
tempat : poolside KGSAAS
menu : hi-tea food
tema : kasual, bebas, whatever that's in your wardrobe
special performance : an anonymous clown who did everything by himself

proud mother of the birthday boys (in picture : with arief who turns 1)

yeahhh..gimme your widest crest smile everybody

aiman who will be turning 4 this coming 28th wanted a spiderman cake, but the mother could only afford a batman cake instead haha..nasib baik dia tak guling2 nak spiderman jugak

nabila, rashid & me...with k.farid who is so focused on her food

everyone had a good time especially the kids..clown, swimming pools, cakes huhh what's even better than that?

syamariz note :
Right after the party, we went straight to MidValley to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua..yeahh its a family friendly movie u know...if it were just me, i would've wanted to watch Twilight instead, but whatever it is, save your money on not watching "The Day The Earth Stood Still"...i was like "what the *#@&!!!!!" Buang karan betul...waited for 2 hours for nothing. I tell you..Independance Day or even War of the Worlds was much better than that %^$#@* movie.... ok that is my honest comment..anyone who has the opposite one please do not feel offended for this is my blog and i shall say whatever that is in my perspective...with that, i shall leave in peace...ciao!

Co. Annual Dinner year 2008

My company had its annual dinner event on friday nite (19th december) at Concorde, Shah Alam, the theme was unique & glam i didn't know what to wear plus nak jimat kos, i decided to wear my wedding kebaya and surprise! surprise! i was chosen as one of the best dress recipient award for the nite hehe..anugerah ini melayakkan syamariz membawa pulang...erkkk seketul hamper haha..

Mr B pulak dapat lucky draw..he got a chiller box (alah bekas yang boleh letak can drinks dgn ais bila nak gi picnics, trips etc tu). We were hoping for one of the grand prize (LCD TV/ Laptop/ Digital videocam) tapi tak dapat huhu....takpe la, dah dapat 2 hadiah ni kira orait la kan...

Next year i heard maybe dah tak buat annual dinner kot..hmmm ekonomi sekarang kan dah semakin merudum, lagipun pengarah baru pun cam tak berminat ajer dgn dinner2 nie so dunno la....i don't really mind, i just feel kalau ada annual dinner ni at least ada awaited event at the end of the year, dapat gak jumpa2 staf dari jbtn2 lain and also dapat melaram dgn baju2 glemer hehehe...arghhh whatever la

Me, my hamper & the lucky draw prize in the brown box
My lucky kebaya...ignore my 'fatness' ok folks

We went back with 2 prizes hurrayyyy..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here comes Michiko..

2 days after saiful was gone, hubby brought back another cat (semi-kitten as i look at it)..

I nearly jumped from my seat after seing the not because of joy, but seing such uncanny resemblance to my Saiful.....the same orange stripes, the same hazel eyes and the same fluffy tail. Only this time it's a female, slightly smaller than Saiful (cos she's younger) with curious looking-round eyes that comes in a very sweet face...Saiful on the other hand, had a very stern but blunt facial expression complimented with 'sepet' eyes, being a proud adult male cat that he was...

Anak2 pun suka sangat...syamariz terharu sangat Mr B sanggup gi cari pengganti Saiful for me & the kidz..thanks so much dear! **smiles**

We named her Michiko..don't ask me why, how or what it means....we finally came out with that name after hubby suggested several weird names before...ada ker dia nak bagi names like Robithoh la, Nasirohh la, Mashitohh laa....he simply likes to give cats human names grrrr!!!!

This time around..they will be no more photos of our Michiko, let's just see how it goes. Ya..aja; maut di tangan Tuhan, kita manusia hanya mampu berusaha...jadi macam tu la kiranya daku berusaha..

Michiko completed our lives again (we are a family that adores cats), but Saiful will still remain in my memory, along with several of my old cats that were long gone before him..


syamariz note : Please read "Chicken Soup for Cat Lovers Soul" if u are so into cats..its a book full of heart-whelming stories of cats & thier owners..

In memory of my beloved Saiful

16 Disember dalam kenangan... [strictly for pet lovers only or for those who care]

Telah ditakdirkan Saiful hanya sempat bersama kami selama 3 bulan shj...akhirnya pada 16 Disember lepas dia pergi meninggalkan kami dengan hanya meninggalkan memori keletahnya yang selamba tapi menceriakan kami sekeluarga...

For those yang tak tahu, Saiful was my beloved pet cat and we cared for him since September after hubby brought him back from the office, feeling pity for the poor thing who strayed around the office area. He was a good cat...always wanting companion & attention, if not he would meowed endlessly for some attention. He was a cool little fella & very family oriented...tak mengada2 tapi malasnya adoiii sebijik Garfield, makan & tido sepanjang hari..he even grew very fat like the cartoon character...sometimes he would sleep with me & my hubby or with the kids. One thing we can't stand bout him is he would bite your bare naked skin if he sees ur ankles, your arms and even your calf/thigh if exposed..dunno why, dia npk cam paha ayam goreng kot....i've blogged bout him in my previous entries, luckily there was some memory on him.

One day, he started refusing to eat..he got lesser & lesser appetite that got me worried. After 2 days of not consuming anything, he started vomitting. Satu hari sampai dekat 10x muntah hijau kuning sampai badan dah semakin kurus. I decided to take him to the vet the next day on the 12th. The vet said he could've had poisoned or virus infection. And so he was warded cos the body was very dehydrated & he had gotten very weak. The vet & staff there were all very kind and even called me to tell on the progress (which was none). He was given glucose through IV drip to regain energy, water to dilute the poisonous substance hence flushed out through urinating process & also been forced fed...all they could do then was hoping he would make some signs of recovery eventhough the chances were very slim.

I visited him the day before he died (the 3rd day he was warded) and the sight was not really encouraging. Seeing him lying weakly in the cage (every cat/patient was put in an individual cage) with a very thin & weak body brought tears to my eye. I'm not used to seeing him like that. He stared blankly into space & didn't react to my familiar call. Mata dia pun dah lain...i know then that his time would soon be gone. My hot tears were falling hard on my cheeks as i slowly petted him through the cage opening but the vet was calm & she understood the pain that i endured at that time. With a hesitated move, i made my way out after a brief discussion with the kind vet.

The next day he was gone.........

Here are some photos of his last few moments at the clinic....

my beloved..lied weakly in his cage a day before he died
stared blankly into space **tears flowing**...the furless area at his arm was where they poked in the drips

his body was wrapped & disinfected immediately after his death by the clinic's staff. After office, i picked the body up while at home hubby had already dug his graveyard..we buried him as soon as i reached home....

the clinic where he received treatment from 12th-16th december, i got to pay less cos when ur pet dies, u'll get discounts..they care for the owner's loss it seems

Saiful during his good old time...**tears flowing again**...thanks for giving us so much joy & laughter
syamariz note : call me me poyo whatsoever...i admit that i got very emotional when it comes to pets or animals especially of my own...i wrote this just to share with u guys how i felt..i have promised myself not to capture photos of my future cats anymore (refer superstitious story on photographing ur pets and they will get sick/lost/died)...i'm being ridiculous i know but i can't afford to be heartbroken again...

Friday, December 19, 2008

At last i got my dream phone..

Aritu syamariz bising2 je kat FB nak carik Nokia 6600 fold kan tup! tup! dapat Nokia 6600 tapi yang slide punyer..anyway it's much better

I got this for my birthday from dearie Mr B..terharunyaa ; )

Kalau ikutkan syamariz, malas sebenarnya nak tuka hp..tapi Mr B komen saying my previous phone dah old-fashioned la, comot etc etc grrrr...well at least it's still in good condition tau. Memandangkan dalam seluruh isi rumah, hp syamariz je yang paling cokia (anak2 pun pakai lg glemer) egoku tersentuh jua..memandangkan masa pun dah time (my besday la apalagi) so i decided to buy a new hp sponsored mostly by Mr B..towchei! towchei!

Now, this is what Nokia 6600 slide looks like folks..

Before sliding..
After sliding..

Now don't ask me much bout its spec whatsoever..i totally forgot! What i remember is it comes with 1GB memory card, 3.2 megapixel camera, has 3G & bluetooth application....lain2 sila tanya kedai hehe...oh yeah, not recommending the Nokia 6600 fold cos the sales assistant all complaint susah nak jual, ramai customer pulang balik complaining all sorts of defects especially on the flip cover..that's what changed my mind on the flip phone, which happen to be my favourite...hmmmm tak kisah la, slide pun ok lahhh...the only drawback is the keypad is so small i almost always tersalah tekan alphabets while texting people, that doesn't happen while i'm on my old hp..itu aje la

My old hp..also a nokia but forgot the model already, still in good condition cuma compang-camping sikit on the outer side, now it becomes my emergency phone : )

Okay..with this new hp, officially it is the 6th hp that i've used throughout my whole hp usage era..tiba2 teringat all the models that i've used before & its history, the list goes like this :
1) NEC (1998-2001) - hp pertama dgn duit gaji dari Intel, besar & berat cam remote Astro
2) Motorola Talkabout (2002) - design comel cuma masih skrin hitam putih, accidentally jatuh dalam jamban kat Subang Parade huhu..
3) Nokia 3310 (2002-2003) - Hp paling koman cos ramai sgt orang pakai at that pun hilang sebab kes kena samun depan rumah huhu
4)Nokia ???? (2003-2005)- Tak ingat model, tapi model ni kalau nak pakai kamera kena cucuk wayar berasingan, ala2 model hp pra-camera la zaman tu..skrin dah tukar jadik warna, yang ni tak hilang tapi lama2 dia sakit tua hehe..terus trade-in
5) Nokia ???? (2005-2008) - Hah yang ni la yang dalam gambar tadi, my old hp before switching to 6600, suker pakai yang ni..cuma takde bluetooth, memorycard, gambar pun tak berapa cantik serta ada antenna...syukur umur dia masih panjang
6) Nokia 6600 slide (2008-????) - Keterangan telah diberikan di atas, hope jodoh dgn dia panjang hehe..
Memang syamariz suka pakai Nokia, ada jugak hajat nak pakai Sony Ericson sebab ramai komen bagus, gambar cantik, sound clear, hg affordable etc tapi setakat nie hati belum terbuka lagi chewahhh..macam tu pulak, lagi satu kekadang tingin gak PDA tu..tapi npk cam complicated jer, nak2 pulak yang ada pensel plastik tu kan..adusss confirm terkial2..malas nak belajar balik hehe...hidup mesti mau senang ekekeke...sebab ada masalah lain lebih susah, dunno bout u guys tapi ni semua pendapat peribadi syamariz jer..lain orang lain taste so go for whichever u like...

My Belated Birthday Treat..

15th December 2008

3rd December has long gone...but i was still treated to a birthday lunch from...well my good buddy Yas of course! Haha..i love it...especially when the lunch is at TGI Friday's..yummy!!

Since the week on my birthday she was away on MC leave so on this day i had my belated birthday treat...birthday kitorg memang senantiasa akan di'celebrate' di sini cos both of us simply luuuurve the food here..

Yas & I..having a great time at TGI Friday's Subang Parade

We had Grilled Salmon...recommended for those who love fish

For dessert..Mud Pie! Half-cake half-ice cream chocolate delight with a hint of coffee flavour, poured with chocolate syrup...D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2008

Esok hari raya yea yea...yuppp tomorrow 8th December muslims will celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Adha...dengan ini syamariz mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin dan semoga bergembira di samping orang tersayang. Jangan lupa panjatkan kesyukuran ke atas segala rahmat & kurniaan dariNya. Juga semoga selamat tiba ke destinasi memasing. This especially goes to my families, friends & all bypassers hehe..

Syamariz will be in Melaka with her mom's side of family tonite & will be back home tomorrow. Sekejap ajer dad will be coming to my house petang raya tu so got to be home early. Till then...tata!

Still on my birthday..

Haha..tak abis2 lagi nak share, sajer nak mengabadikan gambar i had japanese & doughnuts on my day aritu. Suen, my colleague, was kind enough to treat me at Sushi King & Big Apple, one after another, mind u..luckily i had a big tummy, not to mention a big appetite as well! I went back to office with a bloated stomache but feelin very satisfied indeed. Tengok la muka syamariz yang semakin membulat & badan yang semakin mengembang in the pic above...fuhh got to do something on my appetite! Gambar kat Big Apple lupa nak snap heheh..

Next year, suen & i will be moving department. She'll go back to JPAM & me..back to JPG, so probably this will be our last birthday celebration together. Thanks again suen..

Also (again) many thanks to my dear friends & family who had sent me thier best wishes..ingat jugak kat hari tua syamariz happy for the remembrance!

syamariz note : i got another birthday present from Mr B...yippeee..will blog about it later ; )

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bila dah habis SPM

Macam ni la wajah riang kalau dah abis SPM hehe...this is nabila showing a happy cheerful face leaving her boarding school, her 'budak sekolah menengah' days and of course the 'azab sengsara' of taking SPM exam...sekarang bergelar penganggur terhormat di rumah (for around 6-7 months), i'm training her with patience to cook, clean & care for the house...akibatnya kena la mak dia merajinkan diri dulu untuk memasak di dapur seawal jam 5.30am, now that she's at home...*fuh fuh * kena retrieve balik my cooking skills before teaching daughter hehe..

It was my birthday..

Yeahhh...yesterday on the 3rd i celebrated another year of being wiser, that's a cool way to say instead of 'older' huhh..i'm so flattered to receive so much love from dear friends & family members via text messages, phone calls & facebook messages

As u get older, birthdays seems something u don't look forward to anymore..dunno 'bout u guys, well at least to me. People suddenly remind u of ur age (usually followed with a cheeky smile), presents got reduced, or worst..they don't know what to get u anymore..and u feel childish to even celebrate it. Have u seen anybody above thier 30's celebrate birthday parties? Rarely..kalau ada pun orang akan kata buang tabiat aper...

On the brightside, u'll get more pricey presents or treats for lunch..come to think of it, u don't have much of a choice...the day will appear year in & let's just make the best of it shall we..

The way i make the best of it...being surrounded with the loved ones, hmmm, hubby bought raspberry cheesecake & a touching birthday card while siblings gave me a chocolate cake, Yves Rocher skincare set & pink knitted sweater, mommy dearest belanja one nite not at some luxury hotel, but a homestay for us to stay during Raya Haji in Melaka nanti (dekat umah my granny) and a colleague belanja me lunch & hi-tea one after another at sushi king & big apple donuts...orait ahhh, i never expected anything over the moon..thanks a zillion from the bottom of my heart, now that i have my own family the day becomes more special, probably the best give of all...

Azam bila dah masuk 3* nie...hopefully to be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better muslimah & overall a better person! InsyaAllah..

Monday, December 1, 2008


I don't have the mood to blog right now...i don't have a thing to tell, actually! I don't even know what to put for the title above, that shows how much i'm so not in the mood...i think COFFEE really plays a major role in my mood stability....since the time i was forced to be apart from my beloved coffee, i started to get this depression syndrome. Well folks, maybe when my mood is in again, i'll continue blogging..sorry for the inconvenience.

p/s: i'm so into Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me at the moment, that is like the hottest book at our local bookstores, maybe that's why my time has been stolen away from My Kopitiam, that's right..blame it on the book, but its worth it!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I've been tagged by Bro Rep..

Tetiba syamariz kena tag la pulak..thanks la bro rep, ingat kat akak ko nie, nak amik berkat pengantin katanya, err dah tak lama la tu nak join KBK ek (ni geng kenu tau la ) here goes:

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
- Hubby & wifey lorr..

2. Your impression towards him/her ?
-He's my everything, something, anything..but definitely not nothing!

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you?
- Hmmm manyak...antaranya tolong jaga anak kucing sakit yang orang buang depan umah syamariz b4 kawin dulu & jaga kite bila sakit (ini yang paling memorable sebenarnya huhu..)

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
- Of course la that 3 basic words..I **** you! heheh..

5. If he/she become your lover, you will…
- He is my lover already, case closed hehe..(boleh ke?)

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
- Mintak dijauhkan la..i will nangis la apalaga..

7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve his/her..
- He is perfect in my eyes already..

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
- Could never think of any..don't wanna think any actually!

9. The most desirable thing will to do on him/her is?
- Give him lots of babies hehe..

10. The overall impression of him/her is…
- Should get Best Hubby Award (at least in our tiny family)

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- Why least i am me, i don't bug other people, i try to be nice to other people..that's it, terpulang pada mereka untuk menilai..

12. The character of you for yourself is?
- Sometimes quiet, sometimes chatty..
- Such a BIG coffee lover
- Other than that u gonna have to know me personally..

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- Can't say NO to coffee isk! I know its (partially)BAD for ur health grrr..

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
-The combination of myself, my mom, Ust Siti Norbaya & actress Song Hye-Kyo hehe..

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
- Oh thank you people..siapalah saya tanpa anda semua :P

16. Ten people to tag:
- I don't have many friends that are also bloggers u know anybody are welcomed to do so

Syamariz note : Err..questions 17-20 i may have to abandon cos it's related to Q16

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My latest addiction..

OMG...i fall in love with this blog & have been a big fan plus an ardent reader of it!
I find it so cool & refreshing..yeahh just like fruit smoothies, and so i'm gonna tell u why i like this blog very much :
  • Its humorous, fun & interesting...all at the same time
  • The write-ups are neat, simple, well-written & fresh...simply inspiring!
  • The blogger herself is such a pretty & sweet gal. What caught my attention is her passion towards books, food, beauty, clothes, shoes & make-ups..thumbs up! We definitely share the same passion (but not the same $$$)...she obviously could afford more huhu
  • I don't even know the blogger and yet i could relate to her already

Here's her URL :

Hope u guys like it too!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rock & Rollin'

Hubby has a new job...unpaid part-time drummer!!!

My good neighbor, whom i shall refer as 'N' is going to have a huge birthday party for her 1 year old daughter this coming 29th, there's gonna be a band performing as well for the party fr 12 noon to 12 midnite..wowwww it doesn't sound like a party for one year olds isn't it, more like for an 18 year old to me..

Anyway N's hubby is playing in the band (he's an engineer who happens to like music so much) and is looking for a substitute drummer, to make long story short, he happens to know that Mr B played some music masa muda2 dulu, terus dia mintak tolong ganti dia play the drum on that day so that he could at least rest & entertain the guests once in a while..

Mr B pulak, not knowing any 'alasan' to reject the request, obligly agreed to help out...and so several nights ago, we went to N's house to practice the music. N has a mini studio built at the attic cos the hubby loves to spend time ketuk drum & petik gitar with family members who are also in the band

Walau pun dah lama tak main drum (dulu he used to play saxophone) but a musician is still a musician after all..kejap jer dah dapat momentum tu balik, and he rocked the nite till 12 midnite practicing with the band. Syamariz yang tersengguk2 tunggu laling pun macam dah hilang sabar cos its wayyyyy past the bedtime already..arghhh i hope he won't do this everynite, tapi dalam hati rasa syok & bangga pulak tengok hubby main drum ala2 pro gituuu hehe...err it's like i'm married to a rock star gitu (picture Pamela Anderson & Liv Tyler)

Next jamming session would be tis saturday..and here's a pic of a retired drummer wanna enter the showbiz again haha...

**muka kontrol macho bila org amik gmbr heheh**

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No more coffee in My Kopitiam?

You all know how much i love coffee....especially Nescafe Tarik/Ais ,White Coffee (hot or cold), Ice Mocha Latte from Coffee Bean and Ice Caramel Machiatto from Starbucks...(but not kopi hitam pekat tu)

And you all know i've been married for 3 months now..but still no signs of *uwek uwek* yet..eventhough i can't wait for that moment

Ramai yang dah tanya actually,

"dah ada apa2 ker?"
"dah berisi ke belom?"
"sihat ker?? (sambil terseyum sinis)"
"bila lag?" bla bla...

Baru 3 bulan kahwin and syamariz dah rasa tertekan sometimes dengan kata2 macam tu...and being 34 just worsen it..macam2 timbul di fikiran, boleh ke aku nie..ada ke rezeki..kalau ada bila agaknya..walaupun dah ada anak2 hubby but i think its natural for everybody kalau boleh ada anak sendiri kan..

Ok..apa kaitan coffee dengan my needs to become a mom nie? Well..i've been scolded by a few people, saying that coffee is not good for fertility, susah nak conceive la, bad for ur health la...and i just feel like crying when the idea of not having my cuppa anymore in the future..its like "nikmat hidup" di dunia ni dah kena tarik...why oh why that it must be my darling coffee...why can't it be sirap ker, bandung ker, air jagung ker, kordial ker & all the sweet stuffs...cos i don't drink that..sure takde problem punya nak elak

After some thoughts...i guess i would give it a try, so starting from yesterday i made wonders by not having a single cuppa coffee and today is the second day..god knows how sleepy & demotivated i was trying to live up the day without my daily dose. I substituted it with barley or milo. And as i was typing this, my mind still craves for my 3in1 old town white is "derita sengsara" i tell u..i think all coffee addicts would understand me..

With the sacrification that i make, let's just hope there's good news awaiting...bersama dengan usaha, doa & tawakal.

syamariz note: do u think i should go for "berurut session"? I still think its a bit too early..and the thought of sakit just made me wanna postpone it for a while..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tudung "Marah"

I've mentioned earlier 'bout buying a tudung (hijab) while i was at the meeting last week in Ancasa Hotel. Since it is located strategically in the heart of KL (sort of), many of us went shopping during breaktime..

I was too lazy to tag along, since all the shopping places i could go anytime i want...but my roomate k.liza, who is crazy on shopping insisted that i buy this one tudung that she recently bought from Jalan TAR. In fact, she even paraded it to all of us on the night she went shopping, saying that this new tudung is easy to wear la..cantik la...and still new in the market. Kalau kat Giant Shah Alam, esily it would be priced at RM25 but at Jalan Tar the price is by RM 10 cheaper (RM15). Mission succeeded! I was influenced enough to have bought one from her...

This is how the tudung looks like :

Notice the tudung "brand"?? Maybe it has a specific meaning in arabic..perhaps i should google it since everybody at the meeting laughed when first heard about the brand..let's hope it doesn't affect the tudung wearer's emotions : )

It comes in 2 pieces, the inner part (serkop) and the tudung itself, i bought in brown shades since it could be worn with almost any baju..

Model tudung tak bertauliah hehe..this is how it looks like folks, ahh so easy tak payah gosok (iron)..senang nak capai kalau nak gi kedai atau ada orang datang rumah hehe aside from wearing it to the office..that's all, ciao!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Awww...he missed me!

I thought only my family misses me when i was away for the workshop, it turns out that the little fella here also kinda notice my absent, bila syamariz balik rumah macam biasa dia datang la sambut kan, but this time he is overly manja...tihihi..macam rindu je lama tak jumpa

When i was bz checking out my mails & stuffs petang tu, dia datang dok kat katil, sort of looking at what i was doing & demanded my TLC (Tender Loving Care)..ok so i petted his head, tickled his tummy & rub his chin until he finally fall asleep, geee..what a spoilt little fat orange cat : )

But that was that..after that he's back to normal, meaning he's over with the "rindu"ness...

aaaahhh..finally my mommy is home! i can get rid of the nightmare already..

hmmmm..what was my password again, oh yeahhh..miowww

mmmm..prrrrr....just what i need..a head massage, legaaa..urkkk

By the name is Saiful aka Sepol (pronounced say-pool)..sorry for making a cameo in todays entry, i'm equally important to my mommy as the rest of the family..prrrr

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm back home..miss it much!

At last i'm home..yippeee...god knows how much i missed my 'katil empuk' , tiada tolok bandingan, even to hotels standard...

Today is the last day of my meeting, after checking out fr the hotel, not intending to disturb my hubby from work, i carpool with a friend of mine, who happen to live in SU, just a few meters away from Mr. B's office, then i call laling up to fetch me by the roadside (baik kan isteri..tak nak susahkan suami dia drive jauh2 ke KL..ececehhh..masuk lif tekan butang sendiri pulaks)

Then went for lunch with him, and (after almost an hour) tadaaa..i'm home again, as usual my cat Saiful (affectionately known at home as Sepol) greeted me with delight (i assume la..cos cats have no facial expressions)..ohhh rupanya dia laparr, after petting him on the head, brush his fur and all..oh ya kasik dia makan, i ran upstairs to the bedroom and jump on my bed grinning sheepishly...muahaha...i never want to leave home again...memang padan dengan cogankata "Rumahku Syurgaku".....100% agree..yupp!

Here's the nostalgic moments i endured during the 5 days i went for the
meeting (which i think is more of a workshop):

  • i never know i could miss my home, my cat & my family so much..not until they're apart (thank god i'm not that far away)

  • the new found friends are so friendly & easy to work our tasks were completed earlier than expected..really puas hati

  • the hotel food is not bad at all, in fact is accordance to everybody's taste...the bread puding & cheese cake are among the sinful food to die for..yang lain that i found yummy, assam laksa, kueytiaw ladna, fishball noodles, spagetti boloignaise, mussels, otak2 etc..eventhough all are just plain ordinary food but it was prepared to my taste hehe..errr if only they serve more international food there, particularly korean..ahhhh **drools** but i'm not complaining though

  • i learn some new things (work related of course) and proudly contributed towards the ministry/nation ehehehe..cannot tell in detail one, cukuplah sekadar itu

  • Everybody got variety of souvenirs at the end of the for me, i got a brown stones/crystal-like necklace, k.liza dapat tshirt...

  • and yang agak sayu...i got a msg from along (my friend) saying that her sister had passed away from cancer on the 2nd day i was there..promised to visit her this weekend, just to give her support..

Here's some photos for remembrance :

with my roomate k.liza (also from PSA)..waaa matching floral print shirt hehe

suasana kat workshop aka meeting.

syamariz note : ahh..alangkah nikmatnya dapat menikmati semula nescafe ais kegemaranku setelah 5 hari asyik minum kopi hitam pekat a-la hotel style tu...dah menggigil menahan ketagihan tau hehe...nampaknya i cannot tolerate just any coffee, it must be either nescafe or white coffee....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Terperap di hotel...

me...hard @ work ehehehhh..

Harini hari ke-3 syamariz kat sini, the meeting involves a lot of hard work, like i said before...pagi petang siang malam dok mengadap komputer untuk kejar dateline, everything must be ready by thursday (tomorrow) so that the 'urusetia' could proceed with the next stage..

Sepanjang kat sini duduk sebilik dgn k.liza (member seopis)..tapi malam2 dia balik rumah tinggallah diriku keseorangan huhu...layan internet aje la, nasib baik laptop ada broadband, kat sini beshhh..dapat full coverage, puas hati cos laju tak macam kat rumah

Lama2 dok sini, asyik terperap di hotel rasa macam sakit kepala pulak, dah la tak amik fresh air pastu semua tempat ber'aircon' ajer..feel kinda suffocated after a while, ada jugak kengkawan ajak jalan ke Jalan TAR la, Semua House la tapi tersangat malasss..lagipun i got nothing to buy, just kirim tudung pesen2 sekarang yang sempoi tu kat kak liza..hmm nanti leh tunjuk

My laling Mr B kata nak datang malam ni jenguk apa kabar wife dia yang dok terperuk kat bilik ni hehe..baru la rasa bermotivasi sikit, syiann dia kena datang malam2 dari sg buloh(our 2nd house) just to see how i am doing, alaaa..i'm sure anybody would do that to thier loved ones, i know i would do that if i were him..
Cuma yang agak merisaukan sekarang adalah....the FOOD here is sooo yummy, tertekan dibuatnya haha sebab tiada kekuatan diri nak menolak, almost everything that they serve here is delicious..selalu pegi meeting/kursus sana sini pun belum tentu hotel tu food dia sedap, but here its different..taksanggup nak timbang berat badan bila balik nanti hahaha..ok gottago for now, masa rehat tersangat la precious, time to rest for a while before gotta work again..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Al-Fatihah buat seseorang...

Pagi selasaku dikejutkan dengan sms dari a good friend of mine, Along..mengatakan adiknya telah kembali ke rahmatullah jam 6 pagi.

Untuk along, salam takziah dihulurkan..hanya sms yang mampu ku balas kerana diri rasa tak berdaya hendak menelifonnya ketika itu, takut2 situasinya kurang sesuai atau tersalah menyusun kata di saat2 genting itu..

Arwah adik Along menghidap kanser usus yang kemudian melarat menjadi kanser hati hanya dalam tempoh beberapa bulan sahaja..tapi sepanjang tempoh itu, syamariz tahu Along telah mencuba sedaya upaya untuk berikhtiar mengubati penyakit adiknya, dari sudut hati yang paling ikhlas..syamariz memohon maaf kerana tidak berkesempatan menjenguk Along & adiknya ketika hayat arwah masih ada, ada sahaja urusan duniawi yang perlu dilangsaikan....dan kini, juga masih tidak dapat memberikan sokongan buat Along pada hari yang semestinya sangat "down" baginya...walau masih di KL tapi kekangan kerja menjadi penghalang..mohon maaf sekali lagi my dear friend..semoga tabah & tenang menghadapi dugaan yang berat pada tahun ini setelah kehilangan ibu tercinta pada 2003 (i know she is a strong lady)

Sesungguhnya perkataan KANSER itu sangat2 digeruni...

syamariz note : Aritu abis around RM400 buat thorough check-up di Klinik Pakar Wanita SP dan juga di SMC semata2 syamariz selalu rasa sakit2 around breast area, dapat diagnosis dari 2 pakar terus......Alhamdulillah, no lumps found so i suppose it should be okay for now, they suspected inflammation around the bone area (joint between sternum & ribcage) sekarang dah rasa much better & calmer...


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Meeting next week..

Aduh laaa...tengah dok down semalam, dapat pulak panggilan gi meeting next week, tak jauh mana pun...kat KL jer, dekat alahhhh hotel Ancasa depan Kotaraya tu (dulu namanya Hotel Impiana)...tapi kalau nak berulang jauh la pulak, tambah dengan traffic jam lagi huhh baik la syamariz dok je sana diam2...mesyuarat pulak sampai ke malam, scary movie la pulak nak drive memalam balik umah
Ok la tu kot..dapat lari kejap dari keje2 opis yang dah maha rutin nie, semua ditanggung free cuma kena perah kepala otak je hehehe...cuma yang tak best tu peserta mesyuarat semua syamariz tak kenal huhu...alaaaaa kurang bermotivasi la camni, kalau tak selalunya bila mesyuarat ke kursus ke mesti ada muka2 familiar dari poli2 lain, satu lagi bab nak tinggalkan keluarga...ishh beratnya la hati, dah terbayang Mr B dok terkebil2 kat umah hehe, bukan apa..kalau memasing balik je dari opis, mulut mesti riuh nak bercerita sakan pasal apa dah jadi seharian tu, macam la sebulan tak jumpa (maklum la masih lagi honeymoon mood), alahai sorry ye yang, nak buat cemana....ishh kalau ada baby ke lagi susah kan..haruss angkut seisi keluarga ke hotel tu kan..hmmm setakat nie belum ada tanda2 lagi, doakan syamariz okay..hopefully ok la meeting nie..just kena buat preparation sikit sebelum pegi nie..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Q&A with myself..

Sajer dok browse blog2 menarik di luar sana di saat jiwaku kacau and suddenly jumpa Q&A ni in one of the blogs....soalan2 ni orang yang kena tag ajer patut jawab, tapi boleh tak syamariz nak menyibuk jawab sama hehehe...

Starting time : 2:25 pm

Name : Syamariz tauke My Kopitiam
Sisters : 3
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 5
Height : 155cm
Where do you live : Shah ALam, Selangor
Have you ever been on a plane : Yes..
Swam in the ocean : Yes too..
Fallen asleep at school : Nope...
Broken someone’s heart : I think so..
Fell off your chair : Macam tak penah!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yupp..latest was while dating my hubby, esoknya baru dia kol..penat kite tunggu dia sampai tertido!
Saved e-mails : Of course..
What is your room like : Neat & Tidy..with english theme chewahh
What’s right beside you: An empty chair..
What is the last thing you ate : Bihun sup, Half-boiled egg & a mug of hot nescaffe
Chicken pox : When i was 19 (zaman matriks UUM) was sooo humiliating phase of mylife, especially when teachers & friends made fun of your scars
Sore throat : Lama dah tak kena nie...
Stitches : 2 kali kot....My left foot..tersiat tayar basikal (adusssss) when i was forehead sebab jatuh tangga when i was 4
Broken nose : Nope..dah la hidung tak berapa nak mancung..mintak2 jangan la..
Do you Believe in love at first sight : Depends...always happen in a bollywood movie la
Like picnics : The very u.....especially kalo ada BBQ sekali
Who was/were…The last person you danced with : i don't dance..
Last made you smile : My cat Saiful...
You last yelled at : My cat Saiful too...
Today did you…Talk to someone you like : ahuhh..
Kissed anyone : lalingg looo..
Get sick : InsyaAllah tak..sakit perut je sikit tadi
Talk to an ex : Never..
Miss someone : My old close friends whom i used to hang out with last time...
Who do you really hate: Orang yang membuang sampah/meludah merata2 & orang yang zalim pada haiwan..
Do you like your hand-writing : Sometimes..
Are your toe nails painted : Nope..only buffed while doing pedicure
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : My mom's..
What color shirt are you wearing now : Orange Batik..kakitangan gomen kan pakai batik hari khamis
Are you a friendly person : I think so..hmmm must ask my friends la
Do you have any pets : i cat...nama Saiful...kaler oren...muka sebijik maskot friskies
Do you sleep with the TV on : No..i'm easily distracted by noises
What are you doing right now : Pening kepala jawab benda nie..padahal banyak lagi keje lain
Can you handle the truth : Not so well..
Are you closer to your mother or father : Definitely my mother..they were divorced and i'm living with my mom
Do you eat healthy : i try to..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : ada kot..ntah terselit kat mana..
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : laling hubby looo...he's a very good listener (at least to me)
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : l'm a quiet person most of the time..
Are you confident : Depending on who i am with or where i was at the time...

5 things I would do if i were a billionaire :
i. kasi setel sumer my hutang-piutang, my hubby's, my mom's..practically everybody in my family
ii. Bina 1 yayasan kebajikan yang membantu haiwan & manusia terbiar..
iii. Visit the places i've always wanted to go like...switzerland, new zealand, paris, south korea, japan, south africa, USA, Bali, Maldives, Mauritius...
iv. Buy things i've always wanted to buy...huge tudor mansion, big sporty SUV, LV bags, Jimmy Choo shoes, Neil Lane Jewelleries, Dior shades, La Mer Skincare, Juicy Couture clothes (and i started dreaming...)
v. Perform Umrah & Hajj with all my family members..

5 of my bad habits :
i. Drink too much coffee..
ii. Not a morning person..
iii. Kadang2 tu mudah tersentap..jiwa sensitip!
iv. Suka bertangguh..
v. Malas masak hehehehe...

5 places I’ve lived/living :
i. Aloq Setaq, Kedah
ii. Bayan Baru, Penang
iii. KK, Sabah
iv. Subang Jaya, Selangor
v. Shah Alam, Selangor

Finished at : 2.50pm

Okay la, Aieen..if ur reading this then i try to tag u lahh (baru2 belajar nak tag orang nie)...if u have the time that is...

I'm feeling down today...

Harini betul2 syamariz takde mood...hmmmm boleh dikatakan jiwa agak kacau la....

Banyak faktor sebenarnya...yang berkaitan naluri keibuan pun ya..tanggungjawab sebagai ibu pun ya...pasal tempat kerja pun ya.....hmmm susah nak diceritakan...

Tapi yang best, naluri sebagai seorang sahabat masih menebal di jiwaku...ujie, tak sabar kita nak jumpa weekend ok..can't wait to meet you cos there's so many things that we could talk bout...dah lama tak hang out with my close friends..being married doesn't mean u have to lose ur friends right

Hmmm...why am i feelin so low today...penat Mr B memberikan kata2 motivasi pada syamariz nie tapi nak buat cemana...emosi bukan macam suis elektrik, off aje hilang...anyway i will try to be cheerful again...gotta make myself a cuppa coffee...yesss that would help me to cheer least for now... anyone??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Abby vs Norman

Hmmm..sekarang ni isu artis/pelakon/bekas penyanyi Elite, Arbaieyah Abdul Manan dengan suami dia pelakon Norman Hakim tengah hot macam hot banana fritters (goreng pisang panas)..

Kemuncaknya, semalam almost all the papers kat Malaysia ni memaparkan pergolakan rumahtangga diorang dengan tajuk2 nak tarik perhatian seperti " Amukan Abby"..aduhhh apa nak jadi dengan this once happily married & loving couple...dulu kemana2 asyik pakai sedondon, kejap2 buat kenduri cukur jambul la, kenduri doa selamat la, besday party anak2, norman sambut baby marissa dania dalam kereta (masuk headline berita lagi 2-3 years back) etc etc..sedih pulak mengingatkan semua tu

Syamariz bernasib baik la di saat2 menghadapi ambang perpisahan dengan 1st husband dulu, tak siapa yang tahu..takde wartawan atau jurugambar serta masyarakat yang sentiasa dahagakan cerita sensasi yang mengganggu ketenteraman hidupku. Simpati pada Abby...terserlah sudah kesabarannya yang hampir goyah dengan sikap suami lantas tidak peduli lagi untuk berterus-terang dengan wartawan, yang kelakar akhbar Utusan siap memberikan dialog antara Abby dan Norman ketika mereka bersua untuk berbincang (atau berperang?)

Menjejakkan kaki ke Mahkamah Syariah sesungguhnya sangat memilukan...kalau ikutkan memang tak mahu lagi rasanya nak ke sana, seram sejuk tangan syamariz ketika masuk ke kamar bicara sekitar 2 tahun lepas..bertentang mata dengan tuan hakim untuk membicarakan masalah rumahtangga di hadapan khalayak di dalam kamar bicara adalah sangat2 menyedihkan, apatah lagi dengan prosedur2 penceraian yang sangat memeningkan kepala...cukuplah sudah deritaku ketika itu...

Alhamdulillah dengan berakhirnya derita itu, muncul jua sinar bahagia...tiada apa yang syamariz inginkan lagi di dunia ini hanya kebahagiaan hidup berkeluarga, tiada harta dunia yang mampu menandingi kebahagiaan hidup berkeluarga sebenarnya...walau sudah ada kereta, rumah dan sebagainya...hidup terasa kosong tanpa teman yang berkongsi kisah suka-duka kita, yang membuatkan kehadiran kita di sisinya rasa dihargai dan teman yang mampu kita merancang masa depan bersama...Sesungguhnya kisah penceraian ini mendatangkan trauma pada mereka yang penah melaluinya.

Berbalik pada kisah Abby-Norman, perasaan simpati yang hanya mampu diluahkan..lebih2 lagi pada Danish, Dania & Damisha, anak2 mereka yang masih terlalu kecil untuk mengerti apa2..semoga mereka dapat mencari jalan terbaik untuk selesaikan masalah.

p/s : Tengah sibuk2 citer pasal Abby tetiba terserempak dengan dia waktu nak gi lunch kat Giant Shah Alam tengahari semalam, rasa macam nak tercabut mata tengok dia..macam tak percaya pun ada, maklum la baru je cakap orangnya pun muncul...apa la dia buat kat situ ya, balik dari shooting kot..atau ke pejabat Karangkraf yang tak jauh dari situ...sibuk je syamariz ni kan...tiba2 jadik minah kepoh, anyway kite hargai privasi dia..cuma kerling jer, kalau tak dah capai kamera dalam hbag ni ajak gambar sama hehehe...

Problem as usual

aduhhhh..i think i'm gonna crash my laptop now...opppss sabar2, *gulp* :(

bukan salah laptop punn..

internet provider ni la kot..alahh yang cap itik tu..

selalu tak bagi syamariz upload photos..gerammmm

bukan tak nak tukar streamix tapi dah ikat kontrak 2 tahun...

maybe lepas tu kot...

kat opis lak lagi hampehs...

rasa nak ketuk monitor dgn hammer pun ada...

need my daily dose of internet, kalau tak boleh hilang kewarasanku...

kalau nampak entryku disertai dengan pics tu maknanya bertuah sangat2 la tu..

i better chiao for now...

kalau ada yang nak hulurkan bantuan, khidmat nasihat, kaunseling dialu2kan heheh...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Majlis Jamuan Kongsi Raya PSA 2008

Di saat akhir2 bulan Syawal pun ramai lagi berebut2 nak buat open house kan...termasuklah kat ofis syamariz nie, hari rabu lepas (29 oktober) telah diadakan sambutan kongsi raya (aidilfitri & deepavali), mula2 memang bercinta betul nak datang almaklum buat hari rabu malam, hari keje la pulak..last2 pegi jugak, tarik Mr B dan Shed datang, makan..makan..makan..kenyang..balik!

Rasa pelik pulak syamariz datang kat event opis takyah buat apa2 keje..kalau tak, ada function ajer mesti kena jadik emcee la, usher la, itu ini..tapi yang nie best, datang makan free 1st time bawak hubby & son to my official function, next time Annual Dinner pulak, this coming December.

Majlis Jamuan Mesra Raya PSA 2008
29 Oktober 2008
Dewan Besar PSA
Menu : Nasi Briyani & laukpauk, Laksa, Sate, Nasi Himpit Kuah Kacang, Bubur Caca, Kuih Muih & Buah, Kordial & Teh Tarik

p/s : ni muka gelisah tunggu nak makan cos speech panjang sangat ekekeke...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Majlis Graduasi Nabila

Seperti yang rakyat Malaysia tahu, peperiksaan SPM akan berlangsung bermula pada 11 November ini. Dan seperti yang diketahui (pada yang tahu la kan..), anak dara syamariz, Nabila yang kini form 5 di SEPINTAR pun termasuk la dalam statistik tersebut...

So last weekend she went home for a special event dedicated to the fifth formers organized by the school. Biasa la..budak2 boarding school mesti ada event2 camni kan...merasa la nak konvo time sekolah lagi, tak macam syamariz huhu...bila masuk U baru la kenal majlis2 konvo nie..

Anyway, the event was held in Concorde, Shah Alam and attended by parents or family members of the students....bukan free you, kena bayar tau hehe..antara agendanya biasa la, ucapan daripada pelbagai pihak, majlis penyampaian sijil graduasi pada 200 lebih pelajar tu dan akhir sekali MAKAN!

Paling kelakar bila tengok budak2 form 5 tu kemain riang-rianya buat sesi photoshoot selepas selesai majlis...semua tersengih ajer dapat makan kat hotel & gambar ramai2 pakai jubah, wahhhh semua muka happy ajer...bukan itu yang kelakar, tapi aksi tu macaaammm la dah selesai SPM tu haha...jangan kantoi sudah la ya, penat pihak sekolah dah buat in advance graduation nie...hope keputusan SPM nanti boleh buat u alls tersenyum lebar macam kat majlis graduasi ni jugakk...ALL THE BEST TO THE FIFTH FORMERS IN MALAYSIA & ESPECIALLY TO MY DAUGHTER NABILA NAJAD!!

Ni gambar2 semasa majlis tersebut :

Kena la daftar dulu ekk..Nabila tengah mendaftar la nie..tema majlis kaler biru sebab tu biru ajer pandangan dalam gambar nie..

Proud parents...alamak ada gaya Datin Seri tak syamariz dalam gambar nie, Mr B toksah cakap la, dah macam YB pencen dah tuu hehehe..

Spoilt betul la gambar nie..blur pulak, Nabila tengah amik sijil dia

Haaa..sukernya dia dapat makan2 dgn riang rianya aritu, pasni jangan harap la dapat sengih lebar camni....SPM tinggal lagi 2 minggu u...hope u can do the best Nabila! Pada sesiapa yang mengenali diriku ini..doa2 la ya untuk anak dara yang sorang nie so that her mama can be proud of her with SPM result yang berwarna-warni oppsss..flying colurs!!

makan & makan lagi...

Sebenarnya dah lama nak buat entry nie maklum la kejadiannya pun weekend yang lepas, tapi biasa la kan..komputer ni asyik ikut suka dia, kalau mood baik kira ok la nak masuk pix, kalau tak hmmm postpone la macam nie..

Dah mengah kekenyangan..pose tetap pose hehe..oh ya, weekend lepas Nabila balik umah for her Graduation event on monday (deepavali) so on saturday, bawak dia jalan2 gi open hse sana sini, maklum la budak asrama..siannnn asyik terkurung ajer, ni bagi dia happy sikit sebelum SPM 11 November nie...besar dah anak dara syamariz nihh, mau SPM sudahh

Ni open hse kat umah my 2nd boss..the lady in blue is his wife kak shikin, who cooks excelent curry the way, she is such a nice lady as well

With my colleague Baya...she had just moved to her new home in Mayang Sari a couple of months ago..dapat la tengok rumah dia, sangat terpegun melihat halaman belakang rumah dia yang sangat luas..boleh main badminton u! Oh ya...her nasi tomato, ayam masak merah & daging kurma pun sedappp sangat sampai Mr B pun puji, aiseymen cemana nie..kena belajar gak lah hehe
Oklaa..i think enough about makan & food already, muka syamariz pun dah membulat macam bola dahh..bulan Syawal pun dah semakin hampir melabuhkan tirainya, so kini hadir azam baru nak menjalani kehidupan yang lebih sihat (dan kurus..oh itu suda mesti)...kan best kalau jadi macam artis hollywood tu, ada personal trainer & nutritionist...hari2 ada orang tolong, memang la senang diorang kurus kalau macam tu kan...sediakan $$$$$$$$ ajer...takpelah syamariz pakai mesin ajer, mesin apa? entry i will kiss & tell!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last weekend i really had a feast..jamuan raya & kenduri were like non-stop till my stomach got bloated like a whale hehe..maklum la minggu akhir Syawal, ditambah dengan Deepavali pulak..berpesta betul rakyat Malaysia ni makan

Starting Friday sampai Monday tak abis2 agenda makan...senang citer, tak payah kuar belanja makan cos ditaja di rumah orang ekekeke...nak list sumer tapi tak semua event yang syamariz bawak camera so amik apa yang patut je laa..macam ni ha, kenduri kat Gemencheh (Kpg Air Penaga) rumah kawan Mr B..

Lauk pauk dia sedap sangat..dah la masak sendiri, pastu lain dari lauk kenduri yang standard tu, that's why i like going to kenduri in the 'kampungs'..cos they serve "exotic food' hehe..macam kat sini ada lauk rebung masak lemak, sup tulang, gulai kawah slurrrpppp..tu pun deme kata umbut abis, kalau tak mesti lagi berselera syamariz lah buktinya, sebenarnya dah licin tapi mintak tambah pun dah hampir licin hehe..

Pengantin basi hehe..haritu tak berpeluang duduk atas pelamin kan, so berangan la kitorang sekejap time ni, warna baju pun ala2 kaler pelamin gak hahh..ok sangat la tu, time ni ramai tetamu dah balik tak lah segan sangat nak gambar syok sendiri macam nie haha.. la pengantin yang original, with the whole family..
Balik dari kenduri kat Gemencheh ni singgah pulak umah Yas kat Denai Alam, tu pun sampai dah dekat kul 6 petang, jauh rupanya Gemencheh nie..ada la dalam 2 jam setengah....rumah Hanim pun ada open house, tapi tak sempat nak pegi cos dah lewat sangat..perut pun tersangat la kenyang..ingat nak balik umah tidoooo ajer heheh..